Author, Educator, and Slinger of Swears

Latest Articles

  • Living in Costa Rica: My First Pura Vida Lesson

    Living in Costa Rica: My First Pura Vida Lesson

    The year is 2021, and my family and I are at the airport. After a full year of racial and financial stress, California fires whose smoke blotted out the sun as far north as Seattle, and feeling more and more misanthropic as time went, my husband and I had decided that we were going to…

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  • Why Moms Can’t Just “Go Out.”

    Why Moms Can’t Just “Go Out.”

    The other night, my husband went out for a “guys’ night” with some other dads. It was his second time in as many weeks. Before I get into this, I wanna be fair and point out that my husband is a dyed-in-the-wool extrovert, so he’s always trying to hang out with people anyway. When we…

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  • My ADHD Hates Social Media

    My ADHD Hates Social Media

    You know how I’m an ADHD coach, right? Well I mean…you know now anyway. Anywhoozles. I get asked constantly how I feel about the fact that social media is giving ADHD all this attention, and if I think it’s problematic. And the truth is, I don’t. At least, I don’t think that, alone, is problematic.…

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